SERP Battery
An electrochemical reaction between metals with different electrode potentials that forms a primary electric current.

Off-grid lighting system
There is a competitive advantage (even the furthest corners of the park are lit 24 hours a day)

SERP renewable free electricity
There is free (renewable) electricity
where you need it.
Our company develops and implements alternative methods of power reproduction.
We have developed several versions of batteries, which differ in principle only in power.
Addressing the lack of electricity consumption in alternative ways.
Advertising illumination
With energy supply of a country house all is clear, cheaper the old-fashioned way — wires, meter, receipts … But what to do with consumers who simply have nowhere to connect, there is no outlet? Or with consumers who are remote from the grid? For example, night illumination of billboards. It doesn’t seem to be a problem, there are usually power lines along the highway, but not everywhere. More than 50% of billboards stand in an unlit area and there is simply no «outlet» nearby. Even if there is somewhere to plug in, it’s a whole story.
Try to get 1 kW from a power grid company for a remote consumer, if this consumer is also a legal entity. First of all, they will not give you 1 kW, at least 3-5 kW, and you don’t need that much. Second — the cost of 1 kW for the initial connection , not counting the project, approvals, walking through offices, etc., etc.
Park lighting
Now let’s consider park areas. A well-lit alley, moms with children walking, but a step aside and total darkness. And as a result — empty (at best, at worst — alcoholics, drug addicts and murderers with rapists — horror). I.e. 3/4 of the area of parks in the dark time of day is not used. And it’s not the lack of electricity (primary connection of the complex). And in the costliness of laying cable lines throughout the park zone, and the landscape with the interior will be disturbed. As a rule, large park areas are low-profit, dated enterprises and they simply (financially) can not afford to illuminate all corners of their lands.
Low power supply
Even bigger problems for naturalists, seismologists, weather forecasters, etc. Naturalists, zoologists and simply amateurs to observe animals in their natural habitat, when using «camera traps» constantly face the problem of power supply of these devices — constant replacement of batteries or recharging batteries, i.e. periodically violates the «personal space» of the observed. Our developments in the field of low-power power supply will solve this problem once and for all. The same applies to powering seismic sensors, mini weather stations, etc.
Facts about our development
Taking as a basis the research of telluric currents and applying modern technological solutions we have obtained a system of autonomous energy source.
The development is ongoing
Alternative energy sources and their application is a hot topic in which active research is being conducted today.

Unique and simple technology
We managed to become one of the pioneers in this promising field and offer unparalleled solutions.
Environmental protection is our priority
The system is the basis for unique, environmentally friendly and efficient products. Which contributes to the preservation of human life and environmental protection.
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There is a competitive advantage (even the furthest corners of the park are lit 24 hours a day)
No connection to the power grid, no need to run expensive cable lines
There are system upgrades at preferential rates
Among the many problems of modern life, road safety is a very serious issue. Particularly when it comes to areas outside populated areas. Insufficient lighting at night is a constant negative factor, one of the causes of high accident rate.
The development of a new technical device should serve to solve the problem of improving road safety

Our battery is capable of operating all year round 24 hours a day regardless of weather conditions.
As laboratory studies have shown, an electrode with a negative electrode potential loses about 15-17% of its mass in six months. At the same time, the same electrode placed in the open ground loses only about 4-5% of its mass. This significantly increases the guaranteed lifetime of the entire system,
Existing or potential bottlenecks / Potential risks:
Forecasting potential/existing bottleneck risks is a cold mind calculation.
Risks: governmental regulations, ecological restrictions, potential competitors, lack of financing, low demand and slow supply on start. Project is new and requires deeper scientific research for maximizing energy output.
Procurement chain can be also distorted by restrictions, political situations, logistical issues. It takes time to set new raw material supply chain again.
At the beginning stage production might be slow to satisfy market and governmental needs.
Regarding Project description.
SEPR Battery — Sustainable Ecological Power Resources. Power source can be used in countryside, forest, cultivation plant, gas pipes etc. For civil, governmental and military purposes. It is a battery made out of metals, that can produce electricity out of soil, water, mud and be active for 2-3 years without replacement.
You can find more project description on our website.